Tuesday 7 March 2017

Kemen’s disqualification – Kemen did not actually break Big Brothers rule – See Proof

The travails surrounding Kemen’s eviction continues as new twists keep emerging daily. His family has revealed plans to sue Big Brother and TBoss’s family have also given their view on the matter.

Editor’s Note: In this piece, Haroldwrites a blogger and writer explains that Kemen did not actually break any rule. Using the official rule book of Big Brother, he dissects the rules and regulations of the house giving express details of what the term ‘S3@.x:’ual molestation’ means as defined in the book.

He also adds that Kemen was just a victim of circumstance who was sent out of the house due to social media pressure. Going further, he also added that all is not lost for Kemen his image can be redeemed. His article is really an eye opener.

On Sunday, the 5th of March, 2017, Kemen, a housemate of the Big Brother Naija Reality TV show was disqualified from the show for breaking a House Rule. The decision to disqualify Kemen came as a welcome development to many, but it also came as a surprise to others who felt TBoss was a wiling-cum-leading participant in the act. The latter set of audience also felt Kemen was hard done by the Organisers of the show who ignored a similar incident involving Debbie-Rise. Several questions were also asked on social media, to wit: was Big Brother right to disqualify Kemen? Is Big Brother culpable of selective justice when he ignored a similar incident involving Debbie-Rise’ but punished Kemen for the same thing? Did Kemen S3@.x:’ually assault or harass TBoss, or both? Was TBoss a willing participant and did she lead Kemen on? Would it make any difference if Kemen was drunk at the point of committing the act? Did Kemen really break any House Rule and could he sue the organisers of the show?
Harold, the writer who shared his thoughts on Kemen’s disqualification from Big Brother Naija

I shall attempt to address some of the foregoing issues in the light of the applicable principles and provisions of Nigerian law, as well as the Big Brother House Rules. This may be a long one, but given the magnitude of the queries, please bear with me. My responses may surprise you.
First Things First
I shall address the queries without bias to anyone. What I shall simply state is the position of the law and my opinion and interpretation of the applicable Big Brother House Rules.
The Evidence
In the wee hours of the 5th of March, 2017, a curious video footage from the Big Brother House emerged on social media. In the video, Kemen appeared to be making bodily contact (groping? spooning? fondling?) with TBoss, who appeared to be asleep and unaware of Kemen’s act. After a while, TBoss appeared to be awake – or at least, conscious – as she turned on her sides.
Social Media Outrage, The Charge and Threat
The video footage sent social media agog as many rebuked Kemen for such act. He was accused of S3@.x:’ually harassing and assaulting a woman without her consent. In little or no time, calls were made on Multichoice, the organisers of the show to evict Kemen for the disgraceful act. It was simply the best opportunity “to teach viewers what consent really meant.” Some other members of the audience went after Payporte, the major sponsor of the show. The Organisers were threatened to ensure something was done about Kemen’s action, else, they (Payporte) will be seen to condone such actions

Big Brother’s Trial
After the outrage of social media, Big Brother called Kemen and Tboss (at different times), to the Diary Room to make enquiries.
Just before the Live Show on Sunday by 7:00pm, Big Brother called the Housemates to the lounge and announced as follows:
“Housemates, Big Brother would like to bring something to your attention. As you know, Big Brother takes everyone’s safety and wellbeing very seriously. A very serious infringement has taken place in the Big Brother House by Kemen. Big Brother can assure you that, all necessary warnings and disciplinary measures have been actioned prior to this moment. Kemen is aware of the incident and resulting consequence of his action. Kemen, please rise. Kemen, you have been found guilty of violating the Big Brother House Rules. Based on a private disciplinary session with Big Brother this afternoon, you are hereby disqualified from the Big Brother House immediately. Kemen, you have one minute to leave the Big Brother House.”
What does the Big Brother House Rules State and can Housemates be summarily evicted for violating same?
In 2008, Alexandra De-Gale was “ejected” from the Big Brother House, UK, for repeatedly breaking the House Rules. So, disqualification of housemates for breaking Big Brother House Rules, is not a strange phenomenon. In the case of Kemen, he was “found guilty of violating the Big Brother House Rules.” The pertinent question that comes to mind is, what does the Big Brother House Rules state and which of them did Kemen actually violate?
I went digging for the Big Brother House Rules after the incident. Interestingly, the Rules do not say anything about S3@.x:’ually assaulting or harassing a fellow housemate. S3@.x:’ual assault and harassment were never defined nor expressly prohibited.

Making S3@.x:’ual advances at fellow housemates was also not prohibited. I believe the reason for this is that, the show is rated 18+. It is therefore expected that, housemates would engage in S3@.x:’ual or pseudo-S3@.x:’ual acts of any form. In fact, the show has been widely condemned for having adult content. But the organisers of the show have never shied away from admitting such contents should be expected as the show is a social experiment. And maybe, just maybe, Kemen proved the show to be right in that sense. Rightly or wrongly, he may have exhibited a trait of someone in his condition and circumstances. If you put a rat in a kitchen full of exposed fish (without restriction) all in the name of social experiment, what do you expect the rat to do? It will definitely eat the fish. That is what your social experiment will reveal. Should the rat be punished for eating the fish, especially when you did not instruct the rat not to eat the fish? That is another kettle of fish all together.
So, yes, there is no House Rule against making S3@.x:’ual advances towards a housemate, whether with or without their consent.
If Kemen Did Not Break Any Specific House Rule, What Rule Could He Have Violated?
Having studied the Rules, I do not think Kemen can be said to be culpable for “S3@.x:’ual Assault/Harassment”. Mind you, I am strictly speaking within the confines of the House Rules. Perhaps, that was why Biggie was careful with his choice of words. He simply said Kemen was found guilty of violating the Rules. He didn’t state which Rule(s).
Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are two House Rules I found interesting. They are:

Rule 1:
“Housemates must respect the House and their fellow contestants at all times”
Rule 7:
“Housemates are not allowed to strike, intimidate, threaten or act in any way that can be construed as violent towards any fellow Housemates. This could result in immediate disqualification.”
Can Kemen be said to have violated either of these Rules? I think it would be difficult to say. If anything, the answer could be “yes”; it can also be “no” depending on subjective interpretation.
With respect to Rule 1, Kemen’s acts towards TBoss may be seen as a sign of disrespect towards her by some. Kemen touched her without her consent. It is as simple as that. He disrespected her. To others, maybe not so much. Especially as she did not reprimand him after she realised he was sleeping so close to her. Maybe she did not feel so disrespected, after all. Was she aware he was touching her? Well, from the footage, she appeared to be asleep the first time he made moves. But subsequently, she turned on her sides which suggests she may have woken up. She did not leave the bed to show he “disrespected her”.
Rule 7 will be difficult to interpret. But let’s still try. Kemen’s action can be construed to mean “personal violence” towards Tboss. Yes, “personal violence” is a thing. It need not occasion physical injury. It can cause psychological injury. Was Tboss traumatised by the experience? She sure did appear to be traumatised when relaying what happened in the Diary Room to the Housemates. Others might differ in opinion. She did not appear shaken until Kemen was evicted and the Housemates appeared to be hostile towards her. Was her “traumatic” state a manipulative move by her to win back the affection of her fellow Housemates?
Big Brother Rules aside, is Kemen Culpable for S3@.x:’ual Assault or S3@.x:’ual Harassment?
Section 261 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011, defines S3@.x:’ual assault as S3@.x:’ually touching another person without the person’s consent. A person is said to consent if (s)he agrees by choice and has the freedom and capacity to make and communicate that choice.
Section 262 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011, defines S3@.x:’ual harassment as an unwelcome S3@.x:’ual advance, request for S3@.x:’ual favours, and other visual, verbal or physical conduct of a S3@.x:’ual nature, which when accepted or rejected, has the tendency of affecting one’s employment or educational opportunity or unreasonably interferes with the person’s work or educational performance.
The foregoing definitions are my summarised versions of what the law provides. As can be seen for S3@.x:’ual assault, the most important ingredient is the person’s consent. So, can Kemen be culpable for S3@.x:’ually assaulting TBoss? The answer is yes.
As for S3@.x:’ual harassment, the latter part of the law may have taken the wind off the provision. That law seems to suggest that, S3@.x:’ual harassment can only occur in a work or learning environment. So, until the law is amended, then, I do not think Kemen’s action can be said to be one of S3@.x:’ual harassment. This is rather unfortunate as we all know S3@.x:’ual harassment can occur anywhere. But as for S3@.x:’ual assault, he is culpable.
If Kemen did not break any House Rule, why was he disqualified?
Yes, Kemen’s act is morally despicable and cannot be justified, but since he did not break any particular House Rule, the only reasonable conclusion to make from his disqualification is that, he was disqualified due to pressure from social media. Big Brother had condoned a similar act by Debbie-Rise because the pressure from social media was not as intense as in Kemen’s case. Now that Housemates know Kemen’s fate might befall them, they would henceforth, refrain from S3@.x:’ually assaulting each other.
Was TBoss a willing participant and did she lead Kemen on?
It does not matter if TBoss had, prior to the incident which got Kemen evicted, led him on. What matters is whether TBoss consented to the particular action which got Kemen evicted. The answer is no.
Would it make any difference if Kemen was drunk at the time he groped/fondled TBoss?
Generally, intoxication is no defence to a crime. There are exceptions to this rule, though. For example, if the intoxication was procured by another person, etc.
In the instant case, the fact that, Kemen may have been drunk at the time he groped TBoss, is no defence. What makes matters worse is that, even if Kemen was drunk, the drunkenness is self-induced. And self-induced drunkenness can never suffice in law as a defence.
Why didn’t Big Brother evict Kemen for S3@.x:’ual Assault, then?
The law is that, only the court can find a person guilty of a crime. Since the Organisers of Big Brother are not a court, they cannot find him guilty of S3@.x:’ual assault.
Since Kemen was not evicted for breaking any specific House Rule, can he sue the Organisers of Big Brother for wrongful eviction?
Some commenters on social media have said that, since participants of the Big Brother show were made to sign documents before entering the House, they have waived their right to institute legal actions. The truth is that, irrespective of what the parties signed, an aggrieved party can commence legal proceedings as the powers of the court cannot be curtailed by mutual agreement of parties. The Constitution empowers the court to hear and try all civil and criminal disputes between parties. Any agreement which ousts the court’s jurisdiction is null and void.
So, can Kemen sue?
The answer is yes. Anyone can institute court proceedings, no matter how frivolous their claim is. But then, what would be Kemen’s cause of action? He may sue for Breach of Contract (that is, assuming he signed an agreement with Multichoice and he feels they did not keep to their side of the bargain. For example, if the agreement states that, Kemen can only be evicted for violating a Rule and Kemen can prove that he was evicted without violating any Rule. Tough call).
Now, although Kemen’s cause of action might be breach of contract, the question is, does he have a reasonable cause of action? The answer is no. Whatever agreement Kemen may have executed with the Big Brother’s Organisers, it can safely be assumed that, there is a clause exempting the organisers from liability for any actions taken by them. This is a standard clause in agreements or memoranda of such nature. If there is such clause, any legal proceedings commenced by Kemen is bound to fail as Kemen would be said to have agreed to be bound by any decision taken by Big Brother, including being evicted for any or no reason. It is simply a case of volenti non fit injuria – self inflicted injury.
Peradventure Kemen sues, which Court can hear the matter? Nigeria or South Africa?
It is a universal cannon of practice that, the jurisdiction of the court to try a matter is determined by the place the cause of action arose. So in this case, that would be South Africa. There are exceptions to this, though.
Kemen and TBoss

In conclusion, I will say that, although Kemen was not removed from the House according to the books but due to pressure on the Organisers from viewers, his removal has sent a clear message to everyone. Making persistent S3@.x:’ual advances at anyone without their consent is disgraceful. It is even more despicable when the person is asleep.

I do not believe because Debbie-Rise was not punished, so Kemen should have also been excused. This is not a case of what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Kemen was wrong. Beyond wrong. But could he have been given another strike? I do not know. His disqualification will serve a good purpose, though: it is a big lesson to everyone, especially critiques of the Big Brother Naija show who believe the show teaches nothing. Now you know it is wrong to take advantage of another person without their consent. It could cost you a fortune. Or your name.
PS: I believe Kemen can redeem his image. I’ll discuss that in another article.

Monday 6 March 2017

Checkout Wizkid’s new house in Los Angeles (photos)

One of the wealthiest and talented singers in Nigeria owns many luxurious cars, expensive houses, and other precious things. However, Wizkid`s new house in Los Angeles has already generated plenty of rumors. Read the article to know the details.

Wizkid’s new house
On March 2016, Ayodeji Wizkid Balogun wrote on his Instagram that he had bought an astonishing house in Los Angeles. Wizkid`s friends also published own photos of Wizkid new house.
Wizkid’s new house
Fans immediately started to ask their favorite question: How much is Wizkid new house?
From 2016, Nigeria got a new celebrity homeowner in the United States. Wizkid bought a house in Los Angeles. This news immediately went viral. It is a three-story Victorian-style building with a swimming pool and a large infield area.
They even found a realtor who helped the Starboy to sign an agreement on favorable terms. However, he refused to talk about anything concerning his deal with Nigerian musician.
The only thing that paparazzi managed to reveal is that an average price in the area of Wizkid new house ranges from 10 to 15 million dollars.
Later, Wizkid deigned to share some photos of his new American castle.
Alongside with this, Wizkid already is a proprietor of the notorious house in Lekki, estimated at N70 million.
Successful music career has already given Wizkid plenty of cars and two huge mansions. And if his house in Lekki continues being the subject of rumors, Wizkid`s new house in Los Angeles is clean. At least, until we learn the further details.

Any Lady Who Doesn’t Pass At Least 15 Of These Questions Is Not A Wife Material – See List

According to relationship expert Joro Olumofin, here are 20 tests a guy can give a lady to see if she is indeed wife material. He added that a lady must pass at least 15 out of 20…lol.

Read below:
Dear Eligible Bachelors in Nigeria, any lady who doesn’t pass at least 15 out of these tests is not a wife material by @joroolumofin .
This article is inspired by a conversation I had with a couple of friends at a resort over the weekend. We realized that unlike our parents times it’s very hard to identify the ONE because of social media, wedding pressures, most girls looking like barbies. Are there still loving traditional supportive women out there ?
Here are a few tests you can run on a prospective wife or lover
1. Ask her on a date using Keke Marwa, BRT or danfo Bus even if you have a car
2. Tell her to go Natural. No makeup, weave-on or attachments
3. Say you forgot your wallet on a date and see how she reacts
4. Tell her you lost your job or you want to pursue your dreams OR you’re quitting your job to be a DJ or barber
5. Wake her up 3am in the morning to make you Eba and Okro soup
6. Tell her you’re celibate and you don’t want S3@.x:’ till marriage
7. Tell her you want to resign your job to be a worker in the house of God with little income.
8. Get her all dressed up and take her to a fast food joint.
9. If you have a beard, shave it all up
10. Tell her to courtesy by kneeling while serving you food
11. Propose without a ring
12. Tell her your mother and 2 siblings are moving in with you after marriage
13. Tell her she must attend mid week service and join the choir mistress gild
14. Tell her you’re going country, leaving the city and moving to Iyana Iba or mowe ibafo
15. Tell her to add your mom , dad and all siblings on social media and bbm
16. Only on April fools tell her you got a University girl pregnant. Only on Aprils Fool Day.
17. Tell her you’re going for a course and she should wait for you. be it ( Msc , MBA, Phd )
18. Tell her your mother will be cooking for you
19. Tell her she can’t watch Zee world or Telemundo anymore.
20. Tell her no makeup artist, professional photographer for your wedding that you’re saving up.
Fellas, trust me. try this. You will thank me later. Watch her facial Expressions and body language you will get the true “ID” persona / archetypes of your partner.”
Do you agree?

Photos From Bobrisky’s House Warming Party In Lekki, Lagos

Nigerian Male Barbie, Bobrisky, hosted his friends and family to a house warming party at his new home in Chevron, Lekki on Sunday.

The party was held directly in front of the house and he had a live band provide entertainment for his guests. Although his mysterious ‘bae’ didn’t show up, MC Galaxy was present at the party to entertain.
See photos below:

Davido’s father net worth and private jet (Photos)

Undoubtedly, Dr. Deji Adeleke is one of the most successful people not just in Nigeria but also in Africa as a whole. He builds churches, buys expensive cars and luxurious jets. What is Davido’s father net worth? Does he own expensive aircraft? Continue reading to get the answer.

Davido’s father net worth and private jet
Nigerians always ask search engines these questions: “dr deji adeleke net worth” and “dr deji adeleke forbes.” People always want to know how rich men live. The father of one of the most prominent Nigeria singers, Dr. Deji Adeleke, is one of them.
Davido’s father net worth and private jet

Davido’s father net worth

The Adelekes has always been one of the most influential families in the Yoruba land. According to Forbes, his fortune has been increasing over the years. It is due to successful investments into:
  • Real estate;
  • Record labels;
  • Securities;
  • Banking sector.
According to Forbes, Dr. Deji Adeleke` net worth was over 360 million dollars in 2015. As of the beginning of 2017, Davido`s father net worth is more than 700 million dollars.

Davido’s father net worth and private jet


For Up and Coming and Already Made Artiste........

’76’ Wins Big At The 2017 AMVCAs [See Full List Of Winners]

The 5th edition of the prestigious Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCAs) held today, Saturday, March 4, 2017, at the Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island Lagos.
The ceremony, which was broadcast live across the continent was hosted by IK Osakioduwa and Minenhle ‘Minnie’ Dlamini.
See below:
1 Best Make Up Artiste (Movies/TV series): Oloibiri – Hakeem Onilogbo Ajibola, Perekeme Odon
2 Best Costume Designer: 76 – Pat Egwurube
3 Best Art Director: 76 – Pat Nebo
4 Best Sound Editor (Movies/TV series): Vaya
5 Best Picture Editor (Movie/TV series): Oloibiri – Nnodim Chigozie, Paula Peterson
6 Best Lightning Designer (Movies/TV series): 93 Days – Elliot Sewape
7 Best Cinematographer: Happiness is a Four Letter Word – Lance Gewer
8 Best Documentary: Alison
9 Best Short Film or Online Video: Cat Face
10 Best Actress in an M-Net original comedy series: Deborah Anugwa – Hustle
11 Best Actor in an M-Net comedy series: Samuel Ajibola – “The Johnsons”
12 Best Actress in an M-Net original drama series: Meg Otanwa – “Hush”
13 Best Actor in an M-Net original drama series: David Jones David – “Hotel Majestic”
14 Best M-Net original comedy series: The Johnsons
15 Best M-Net original drama series: Tinsel
16 Best Indigenous Language TV series/movies (Swahili): Zilizala

17 Best Indigenous Language TV series/movies (Hausa): Yaki Da Zuciya
18 Best Indigenous Language TV series/movies (Yoruba): Somewhere in The Dark – Abiodun Jimoh, Jumoke Odetola
19 Best Indigenous Language TV series/movies (Igbo): Amoye-Bu-Onye
20 Best Soundtrack/ Original Score: The Encounter – Michael ‘The Truth’ Ogunlade
21 Best TV series: Jenifa’s Diary
22 Best Writer: Vaya
23 Best Supporting Actress: Ebele Okaro – Four One Love
24 Best Supporting Actor In A Drama (Movie/TV series): Rotimi Salami – Just Not Married
25 Best Actor in a comedy: Imeh Bishop Umoh – The Boss is Mine
26 Best Actress in a comedy: Funke Akindele
27 Winner for the Best Movie: East Africa – Sarika Hemi Lakhani
28 Best Movie West Africa: Oloibiri
29 Best Movie South Africa: All about love
30 Best Overall Movie: Adonijah Owiriwa And Izu Ojukwu- 76
31 Best Director: Izu Ojukwu -76
32 Best Actress in a Drama (Movies/TV Series): Rita Dominic – 76
33 Best Actor in a Drama: Sambasa Nzeribe
34 #AMVCA2017 Industry Merit award: Mr Chika Okpala
35 Trailblazer award: Somkele Iyamah-Idhalama

Big Brother Naija Housemate, Kemen Has Been Disqualified

One of the most talked about housemates of the Big brother Naija show, Kemen has been disqualified from the game and has also been subsequently evicted from the house.

Circumstances surrounding his disqualification is not clear but it may not be unconnected with a video which emerged where he was reportedly touching Tboss last night while she was sleeping.

Tboss’ Family Reacts To Kemen’s Disqualification From Big Brother Naija

It is a common knowledge that Big Brother Naija contestant, Kemen, was disqualified from the game before the eviction show on Sunday, after being found guilty of molesting Tboss while she slept at night.

Her family, through her sister, Goldie, has now thanked the organizers for protecting every housemate. Her sister made this known on Instagram.

Read below:
“I @miss_goldilocks I’m grateful for the love and support TBoss got this week. Thanks to you all she was saved. It is a great day to be thankful to God for his blessings. I wanted also to say thank you to Big Brother Naija 2017 for setting rules to protect each and every housemate. Most might feel the punishment was harsh. But what is wrong can never be right. Big Brother is entertainment but at no moment is it Ok to feel unsafe. We as women have the right to say no at any moment. And keeping quiet is not an option. We speak up for what is right and we don’t hide behind what people expect. We her family are grateful for protecting TBoss and wish every housemate success. We wish success also to Kemen. May God bless your week.”
See photo:

Tania Omotayo Will Blow Your Mind In Flawless Photos

Tania Omotayo is a Nigerian socialite popularly known as the lady who was once the girlfriend of Nigerian superstar artiste Wizkid.

The beautiful House Of Lunnettes Ambassador looked pretty in new photos.
See another photo



Saturday 4 March 2017



Best Make Up Artiste (Movies/TV series)
Oloibiri - Hakeem Onilogbo Ajibola, Perekeme Odon
Best Costume Designer
76 - Pat Egwurube
Best Art Director
76 - Pat Nebo
Best Sound Editor (Movies/TV series)
Best Picture Editor (Movie/TV series)
Oloibiri - Nnodim Chigozie, Paula Peterson
Best Lighthing Designer (Movies/TV series)
93 Days - Elliot Sewape
Best Cinematographer
Happiness is a Four Letter Word - Lance Gewer
Best Documentary
Best Short Film or Online Video
Cat Face
Best Actress in an M-Net original comedy series
Deborah Anugwa - Hustle
Best Actor in an M-Net comedy series
Samuel Ajibola - "The Johnsons"
Best Actress in an M-Net original drama series
Meg Otanwa - "Hush"
Best Actor in an M-Net original drama series
David Jones David - "Hotel Majestic"
Best M-Net original comedy series
The Johnsons
Best M-Net original drama series
Best Indigenous Language TV series/movies (Swahili)
Best Indigenous Language TV series/movies (Hausa)
Yaki Da Zuciya
Best Indigenous Language TV series/movies (Yoruba)
Somwhere in The Dark - Abiodun Jimoh, Jumoke Odetola
Best Indigenous Language TV series/movies (Igbo)
Best Soundtrack/ Original Score
The Encounter - Michael 'The Truth' Ogunlade
Best TV series
Jenifa's Diary
Best Writer
Best Supporting Actress
Ebele Okaro - Four One Love
Best Supporting Actor In A Drama (Movie/TV series)
Rotimi Salami - Just Not Married
Best Actor in a Comedy
Imeh Umoh Bishop - The Boss is Mine
Trailblazer award
Somkhele idhalama
Industry Merit Award
Mr. Chika Okpala
Best Movie East Africa
Kati Kati
Best Movie West Africa
Best Movie South Africa
All About Love
Best Actress in Drama/ TV/ Movies
Rita Dominic - 76
Best Actor in Drama/ TV/ Movies
Sambasa Nzeribe - Slow Country
Best Director (Movie) 
Izu Ojukwu - 76
AMVCA best Overall Movie


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