Tuesday 12 December 2017

Chinedu Ikedieze Celebrates 40th Birthday With Dapper Photo

Chinedu Ikedieze Celebrates 40th Birthday With Dapper Photo

Chinedu ‘Aki’ Ikedieze, MFR has made many people all over the world laugh like there is no tomorrow. The popular Nollywood turns 40 today December 12, 2017.

Chinedu Ikedieze shot to fame after the popular character Aki he played alongside Osita Iheme in the movie “Aki na Ukwa”. Chinedu Ikedieze got married to his beautiful wife Nneoma Nwaijah in 2011 and they have a daughter together.
The Actor took to his Instagram page to share a photo of himself with caption saying;
“The World Is a Beautiful Place.
Live and let’s live !!
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y to me”
Here is the photo he shared:

Here’s What Transpired Between Daddy Freeze And Obiwon Over The Issue Of Tithes

Here’s What Transpired Between Daddy Freeze And Obiwon Over The Issue Of Tithes

Singer Obiwon has advised OAP Freeze to allow God fight his battle over tithing and how Pastors manage it. Freeze who has been on a campaign for Christians to stop paying Tithe, had initially written to Obiwon after the singer shared a comment on social media earlier today supporting Tithing.

See their posts below:
Freeze’s comment
Dear Obiwon,
Tithing was never a part of Christianity, if it were we would have had examples of believers who were, Greek, Gentile, Arab, Roman or Corinthian paying tithes or being admonished to pay. Tithing was also NOT a part of the first Churches the disciples set up, it was an addition to Christianity and is being propagated with much maliciousness. In a recession pastors are getting richer while some people are being sold into slavery and the MUST stop. I’ll appeal to you not to promote tithing until this question is answered, so you don’t end up edifying the idolatry going on in many churches today.  Where did Jesus, our new high priest under Melchizedek, The pillar upon which the Christian faith leans and the foundation of our belief system collected tithes from his congregation, or where our first pastors and GOs the disciples, collected tithe? WHERE??? As a matter of fact Jesus only spoke about tithe twice in the entire bible and in both instances, he condemned people. One clear example of such is in Matthew23:23 where he rebuked the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. He said they remembered to tithe from their fruit gardens but neglected the weightier matters of the law, justice and mercy. Although Jesus said yes they should tithe, lets remember that the Pharisees and scribes were teachers of the religious law and that religion wasn’t Christianity, it was Judaism, a religion that makes up 79% of the population in Israel today, as against the 2% of Christians that live there. Furthermore, the Pharisees didn’t believe that Christ was the messiah, hence the frequent temptation.

Obiwon’s reply below
Freeze my brother, I love you and appreciate the times you supported my music. Here’s my reply to your advice to me. .
We can quote scriptures back on forth on this tithe matter and I have quoted many myself, but such strivings would be fruitless, and we would be sinning in the light of 2nd Timothy 2:23, no matter which side you’re on. .
One thing I believe and you must know about Jehovah God, the Father of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is that neither you nor I nor any human being for that matter can fight for Him. He is big enough and powerful enough to fight for Himself. My little experience with Him is that you allow God to prove Himself by Himself, in the course of time.
Jesus is jealous for His Church you know, so the matter of who’s right or wrong, who’s cheating and deceiving in the whole rouse of tithing in churches, will surely be settled; and it will be clear for all to see who’s side God is on. I believe we will see it sooner or later, in our lifetime.
So my own advice is, allow God to fight for Himself and prove Himself with His mighty acts. Of course He is looking intently and watching right now how we all are carrying on with this, especially in the light of the greatest commandment which He gave us, which is Love. .
I hope you get to share this too with your followers, so that they also will take heed and not err constantly with insults, dishonourable words and actions against individuals and against the body of Christ, which do not please God. .
For me I consciously chose to leave everything and follow Christ, so I’m glad to bear His marks in my life and ministry (Galatians 6:17). The life and walk in Him is too sweet and precious to give up for anything else in the world!
I wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
God bless you.
In his response, Freeze says the idea to leave everything for God might be a good one but that we Nigerians might just in the same vein also leave SARS and Libya’s slave trade to God. Read Freeze’s response below:
Dear brother @obioraobiwon,
you have spoken well and you were also very helpful to me when you worked at Fidelity bank, my bank for many years and I see you as a brother.

Leaving everything for God to judge might seem a great idea, but why limit it to this tithing issue alone? Let’s leave #EndSarsand #SayNoToSlavery also for God to judge as well.

Furthermore, why wasn’t Kemi OLUNLOYO’s matter, (she is currently in prison) left for God to judge too? What about the MFM land matter, in court in Maryland in the U.S? Was that too hard for God to judge?

Bless you dear brother, Merry Christmas in advance and do have yourself a splendid new year! ~FRZ

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson And Girlfriend Are Expecting Baby Number 2

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson And Girlfriend Are Expecting Baby Number 2

Movie star and former pro wrestler, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and his girlfriend, Lauren Hashian have announced that they’re expecting another baby girl.

The movie star made the announcement in an adorable Instagram post featuring his and Lauren’s first daughter together, Jasmine Lia.
He wrote:
Our Jasmine Lia would like to make a big announcement – IT’S A GIRL! 🌺
@laurenhashianofficial and I are boundlessly grateful for this blessing as this spring we’ll welcome our second baby.
Plus, Jazzy is eddy is completely surrounded by beautiful estrogen and loving, powerful female mana.
All girls. One dude. And a boy dog.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
#ItsAGirl#GratefulMan#TequilaTime 🌺🙏🏾🥃
See photo:

Friday 8 December 2017

How Lilian Esoro Intends To Care For The Helpless In Nigeria Is Heartwarming

How Lilian Esoro Intends To Care For The Helpless In Nigeria Is Heartwarming

Nollywood actress Lilian Esoro has announced that her foundation, The Lilian Esoro Foundation has officially kickstarted a new campaign tagged “Be More.”
According to the actress, the campaign is aimed at caring for the helpless in Nigeria, from single mothers to widows and also sending children back to school.
Read her post below:
You all know how i feel about LENDING A HAND, GIVING BACK, WOMEN EMPOWERMENT and the zeal to #BECOMEMORE.
It saddens my heart when I see little children roam aimlessly on the streets of Lagos begging for alms so that they can feed.
I am torn apart when I hear stories of how WIDOWS and SINGLE MOTHERS suffer without assistance even from immediate family members.
I feel saddened by the unwritten rule of uselessness and helplessness placed on the handicapped.
Our society derides the disadvantage to the detriment of the moral fibre and consciousness of the sane mind. No community or state or country that purposefully neglects the lowly will ever attain enviable heights of greatness.
While we have passed around the responsibility to care for these ones, it is not too late to “BE MORE” to them. The “BE MORE” campaign is the first in the series of campaigns aimed at caring for the #Helpless in Nigeria by the Lilian Esoro Foundation.
Our mission is to send the kids back to school. Create a sustainable livelihood for the widows and single mothers. Empowerment is key.
It is an outreach that also involves you.
Let’s make this happen together. Let’s come together and show them all the Love and support we can.
Please support this campaign lets put permanent smiles on people’s faces. By contribute your widow’s mite no amount is too small.
Kindly click on the link in my Bio.
You can also Donate items like. Foodstuff, Books,bags, cloths, socks, pen, exercise books anything to help them return back to school.
The venue for this years event will be announced shortly.
For job vacancies for the women. And further enquiry Kindly send an email to lefoundation@gmail.com
Thanks and God bless.
I love you all
Here’s the photo:

Here Is Atiku Abubakar’s Reply To Comedian I Go Dye’s Open Letter

Here Is Atiku Abubakar’s Reply To Comedian I Go Dye’s Open Letter

Earlier in the week, comedian I Go Dye wrote an open letter to 2019 Presidential aspirant, Atiku Abubakar telling him not ‘to use sentimental empathy on the youths to express his political ambitions
Recall that when Atiku resigned form APC two weeks ago, he mentioned that the APC had forgotten about the Nigerian youths.
Atiku Abubakar has now replied him and he did it via another social media tool called ‘Medium’ to show he is tech savvy and young at heart.
Read his response below…
Dear I Go Dye,
I read your post on Instagram. It was hard to miss it because it was on every major news website. I would like to say that you were mostly right. The questions you raised in your post are similar to the ones I have been asked by other young people on social media, so I am replying this not just to you as a person, but to all young Nigerians who have asked similar questions.
Firstly, you are right. The Nigerian youth have often been taken for granted, and almost every leader in our history has taken young people for granted. But it’s important to point how this started?—?for people like me who saw Independence; our leadership was mostly driven by young people. Then came the coups, and the civil war, and then more coups. Nigeria ended up with a long period of military dictatorship for many decades, in which time; those young leaders aged, but still remained leaders. Fela, Gani, Enahoro, and Beko were young leaders, yet remained leaders until their demise. That was because of the instability brought on by decades of instability.
By the time we got to 1999, the young people of the day had not been prepared for leadership, because there was no leadership or apprenticeship process under dictatorships. This is one of the reasons the age of leaders has continued to rise. That was because of the leadership stagnation brought on by decades of political instability. Imagine a school that did not graduate any students for 5 years, by the time the top class finally graduates, you will have a backlog of undergraduates.
Our young people are not to blame; we need to remedy this national failure. Last week, there were local government elections in Akwa Ibom State, with over 60% of the seats won by young people, less than 35 years old. That’s how progress can be made. Young people need to participate from the grassroots, all the way across board. Appointments are good, but getting elected is even better. I also understand the issues around funding elections which keep women and young people out, and I will address this in an article I am publishing soon.
I do understand your frustration on the issue, however. I tell people my age that to understand young Nigerians, we need to understand the difference between Nigerian and Naija. Naija embodies the hopes and dreams of young Nigerians, the country they love and long to go home to when they are abroad. Naija is the country that brings them pride in music, film, comedy, fashion, and technology. It is the country of Wiz Kid, Asa, David O, Tuface, the Olympic bobsled team, Iwobi and Don Jazzy Again.
Nigeria on the other hand, is the country of their parents, the country where leaders are constantly failing them, of Boko Haram, of herdsmen violence, of recessions and joblessness. Our young people need us to make our country live up to the aspirations of Naija by fixing the problems associated with Nigeria.
I think it’s important to address the accusation about my tenure as Vice President, that I did nothing for young people. Firstly, as VP, I can only be judged on the responsibilities I was given. A VP obviously is not the driver of government. For example, you can’t blame Prof Osinbajo for all that is going on with the current government. He can only do what he’s allowed to do.
But let me speak about what you can judge me by, my assigned responsibilities. As VP, I assembled what is arguably the best Economic Team ever in Nigeria. It was made up of young, world class professionals, who came home to work. Some of those professionals are now political leaders, governors and world leaders in their own right.
If you ask what our first task was, coming into government in 1999, it was to bring stability to the economy after decades of military rule. For example, between 1999 and 2003, oil prices then were hovering between $16 and $28 yet we managed to pay up salary arrears from decades back, clear up our national debts and built up foreign reserves. Our GDP grew at the fastest rate we’ve seen since the return to democracy.
You mentioned that I never brought young people into leadership, but my record speaks differently. I have a proven record of bringing young, unknown professionals into service. Many of the professionals and ministers I brought in were in their 30s and early 40s. Some of those young leaders have become governors in their states. I went to the World Bank and met a bright lady, convinced her to come back home, and she became a star in our government. To show you we had effective leadership, the same lady could not replicate her exploits under a different government.
I was also in charge of privatization and I have witnesses that I never interfered with the process. I never bought anything belonging to the government. I was quite wealthy before coming into government, with declared assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars in 1999 (which was put in a trust when I became VP); so it was understandable that many of the wealthy Nigerian business people who participated in the privatization programme were my friends. Did I use my influence to get them better deals? No. As the then DG of BPE testified under oath, I never used my position to interfere with his work.
My legacy as Vice President, I would say is the banking consolidation process, for which I gave political backing for. Many big people were putting a lot of political pressure to not change the status quo, but we knew that if that consolidation was not done, Nigeria could not grow. Because of that banking consolidation, Nigerian banks don’t fail anymore the way they used to.
I oversaw the telecoms revolution, which is why young people like you, I Go Dye, now have a flourishing career. Under our tenure, we witnessed a large repatriation of Nigerians back to Nigeria, driven by the hope of the recovering economy. It is sad that many of those young people are heading back abroad now?—?this is to show you that leadership matters.
I know many of these have been forgotten because it was a long time ago, and successive administrations did not follow up on the progress we made. But that is also not to say we were blameless. I was largely frozen out in the second term of our tenure, and I regret that we had that disagreement with my boss. Some say I was disloyal, but I looked at the events in Zimbabwe recently, and it gives me confidence that I did the right thing fighting the attempts to elongate the presidential tenure beyond eight years. If I did not win that fight, do you think we would be having a discussion on young people getting into leadership today?
Intels. I want to address this because you mentioned it. It was the Shagari government that started the Onne Port and later abandoned it. In summary, my business partner and I saw an opportunity to build Nigeria’s oil industry using world class infrastructure, but driven by Nigerians. We went out and took loans to build the facilities, but as we went on, more opportunities opened up, which allowed us access to even more capital. We ended up borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars, mostly from Europe, to build the port, singlehandedly charting the course of Nigeria’s oil industry.
Honestly, I did not ever think we would be that successful, which was why I kept my day job, when we started it. It was just what you would call, a side hustle, but it grew so big, and I had to quit my government job to focus on it. Today, every oil major uses the facilities we built. The government only became clients after the oil companies. Our company has expanded to several countries in Africa. Even the FG has seen that that company is the most competent logistics company in Africa, which is why it gives Intels the most complex operations to manage.
But Intels as a corporate citizen is loved in the locations it operates. That’s because we invest in scholarships, hire young people from the community and train them to become world class technicians. As CSR, we have gone into partnership with the NFF to train young Nigerian footballers, and provide support for the local league. We are loved by the youth in our local communities.
In my home state of Adamawa for example, I’ve created over 50,000 direct jobs and 250,000 indirect ones. We are the largest private employers of labour in the state only second to the state government. It’s not a lot, but it does help reduce unemployment. Who do you think are holding those jobs? Yes, young people.
I Go Dye, I’m not a messiah. I do not promise Eldorado or $1 = N1. But I always ask to look at the economic progress we made under my leadership and what I am doing in private business and judge me by those. People say I became rich in government. It’s a lie. I had hundreds of millions of dollars in assets declared in 1999. My businesses (my shares of which were held in a Blind Trust while I was in government) continued to grow since then. I was able to personally bankroll the PDP back then, so surely I was not poor. But I understand it is politics. So it’s normal to be called names. But how come in all these years, none of my opponents has found any evidence to indict me?
The people who are afraid of me changing the status quo they enjoy will always try to frighten young people about me.
Some people believe youth empowerment is giving handouts to young people instead of building a strong economy. They are wrong. They want to give handouts so they can control young people. But how long can we continue like that? Our country is borrowing to pay salaries, yet we are still holding on to outdated models just so we can control young people for elections.
The success of young Nigerian entrepreneurs in IT & technology, retail, music, and arts shows that given the chance, they can run anything. My job is to be a bridge, which supports our young people achieve these ideals. I will never say only I can do this. I can’t do it alone. I need your support, I Go Dye, so help our economy grow, to ensure that within 10 years, our young people can take over completely.
In summary, I Go Dye, I am not a person who says what he cannot do or show proof. I am giving you an invitation to sit down and ask me any questions you may have. I would also like to take you around, show you some of the businesses I have built, and let you speak to the young people who run those places. It is good to try to convince you that I can do better by our young people, but it is even better to show you. Send me a direct message on Twitter, and we will take it from there

Mo Abudu Wins Big At 2017 Institute Of Directors Nigeria Awards

Mo Abudu Wins Big At 2017 Institute Of Directors Nigeria Awards

The Governing Council of the Institute of Directors Nigeria (IoDN), earlier today awarded Mo Abudu the 2017 ‘IoD Entrepreneurial Award’.
The announcement was made at the exclusive IoD Annual Directors Dinner & Dance at The Eko Hotels & Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos.
This honour comes on the eve of The Grand World Premiere of ‘The Wedding Party 2: Destination Dubai’ which will take place on December 10, at Eko Hotel & Suites, Lagos. Other winners on the night included former Governor of Anambra State, Mr Peter Obi and President of the Dangote Group, Alhaji Aliko Dangote.
here are some of the photos from the event:

Bracket Team Up With Korede Bello For ‘Just Like That’ Video

Bracket Team Up With Korede Bello For ‘Just Like That’ Video

The duo of Bracket serves up the visuals to their previously heard single – “Just Like That” featuring Mavin Records superstar – Korede Bello.
The video was directed by HD Genesis.

Exquisite Photos As Daddy Showkey Is Conferred With A Chieftaincy Title

Exquisite Photos As Daddy Showkey Is Conferred With A Chieftaincy Title

Legendary artiste, Daddy Showkey who is a Nigerian gala singer that was popular in Ajegunle in the late 1990s has been conferred with the Ajaguna of Yakoyo Land title.
He shared the news on his Instagram, sharing videos and photos of the event. He wrote:
I thank God for Today I was crown 👑 the AJAGUNA OF YAKOYO LAND #showdonshow#daddyshowkey#lionclan#asalamamovement#ajegunle#ajegunletotheworld
See the photos and videos below:
here is the video:

Here Is Forbes’ List Of Highest Earning Musicians Of 2017

Here Is Forbes’ List Of Highest Earning Musicians Of 2017

Forbes has revealed their annual list of the highest-paid musicians of the year, and this year, Diddy, Beyonce, Drake, and TheWeeknd are among the top earners.

Diddy (Sean Combs) was named the highest earner of the year, raking in $130 Million due to his endorsement deal with Ciroc vodka, the sale of one-third of Sean John for $70 Million, and the BadBoy Family Reunion tour.
Beyonce is two on the list with $105 Million earnings .Drake came in third with $94 Million and was closely followed by the Weeknd at the fourth position with $92 million.
See the top 10 in full below:
1) Diddy ($130m)
2) Beyonce ($105m)
3) Drake ($94m)
4) The Weeknd ($92m)
5) Coldplay ($88m)
6) Guns N’ Roses ($84m)
7) Justin Bieber ($83.5m)
8) Bruce Springsteen ($75m)
9) Adele ($69m)
10) Metallica ($66.5m)

Meet Adesua Etomi’s Lookalike Who Can Pass For Her Twin

Meet Adesua Etomi’s Lookalike Who Can Pass For Her Twin

It is said that everyone has a double somewhere in the world but actress Adesua Etomi doesn’t have to search far for hers because her doppelganger is a Nigerian living in Nigeria.
Meet Dirichi, a young Nigerian Lady from Imo State, who recently completed her one year mandatory NYSC program….
Dirichi right now, has been fingered to either be Adesua’s Sister or an offspring of Adesua Herself! Because the striking resemblance between Dirichi and Adesua is uncanny.
Though Dirichi is a Singer, and she’s testing the waters in the entertainment industry, with a growing fan base, her resemblance to Mrs Banky W has drawn a lot of followers to her page.
Here are more photos:

Phyno Takes To The Streets In ‘Obiagu’ Video

Phyno Takes To The Streets In ‘Obiagu’ Video

Off his “Playmaker” album, ace indigenous rapper – Phyno premieres the visuals for “Obiagu”.
The street-themed video was shot and directed by Unlimited L.A.
Here is the video:

Peter Okoye Is Way Up As He Signs First Artist To His Record Label ‘P Classic’

Peter Okoye Is Way Up As He Signs First Artist To His Record Label ‘P Classic’

Peter “Mr P” Okoye has made the first addition to his self-owned PClassic Records. The singer has added an artist who goes by the stage name Singah.
Singah, according to Mr P, is a multi-talented singer, songwriter and producer. This is Mr P’s first signing since splitting ways with his twin brother a few months ago.
He wrote on his Instagram page:
Morning guys! Pls welcome @official_singah to PClassic Records. Singer+Songwriter+Producer+Showmanship= 🚀💨🔥🚀💨🔥🚀💨🔥 @official_singah2018 is so ready for you!👍🏾👊🏾 #PClassicRecords#KingOfEmpire👑#KingOfAllP’s Cc @donflexx@kaykayade@kaelzbeatz@djswitch_@papiijameh 🎼🎤🎼🎤🎼🎤 SINGAH!
He shared:

Lovely Photos From Paul And Anita Okoye’s Twins Dedication & After Party

Lovely Photos From Paul And Anita Okoye’s Twins Dedication & After Party

Paul Okoye and his wife, Anita dedicated their twins, Nathan and Nadia, in Church sometime last week, here are they official photos from the ceremony and after party.
In one of the photos, perceived to be for family portraits, they posed with their older son, Andre.
Here are the photos:

Meet The Hosts Of The 2017 Future Africa Awards

Meet The Hosts Of The 2017 Future Africa Awards

Adekunle Gold, award-winning singer and song writer and TV Golden girl, Mimi Onalaja have been unveiled  as the hosts of the Future Africa Awards 2017 Themed Nigeria’s New Tribe.
The 12th edition of The Future Awards Africa is set to hold on 9 December, 2017 at the Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos and the Awards will acknowledge inspiring young Nigerians aged 18-31 making a difference through social enterprise, social good, and creativity.
With 105 nominees selected over categories including Music, Beauty, Fashion & Design, Professional Service, Sports and more, 21 winners will be announced at the event, including the highly-coveted ‘Young Person of the Year’.

How Cristiano Ronaldo Beat Messi To Win His 5th Ballon d’Or

How Cristiano Ronaldo Beat Messi To Win His 5th Ballon d’Or

Cristiano Ronaldo has won the Ballon d’Or 2017 and the fifth of his career, equalling Lionel Messi’s record after a season that saw him lead Real Madrid to their 12th Champions League title.

The 32-year-old, who moved level with Messi at the top of the all-time Champions League group stage goalscorers leaderboard on Wednesday after helping Madrid to beat Borussia Dortmund, was presented with his award in Paris on Thursday having just pipped his perennial rival.
Tottenham’s Harry Kane was the highest-ranked Englishman in 10th spot, while Chelsea’s N’Golo Kanté finished eighth.
The 2016-17 campaign was a stellar season for the former Manchester United player.
Last season, Ronaldo helped Real Madrid win the Champions League and their first La Liga title since 2012.
Ronaldo added the 2017 Ballon d’Or to those he won in 2008, 2013, 2014 and 2016, and Messi is the only other recipient of the award since 2009.
“This is something I look forward to every year,” he said, after receiving the award on the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
“Thanks to my Real Madrid team-mates. And I want to thank the rest of the people who helped me reach this level.”

Don Jazzy Gives Rules To Those Who Want To Slide Into His DM

Don Jazzy Gives Rules To Those Who Want To Slide Into His DM

Mavin Records Boss, Don Jazzy is no doubt one of Nigeria’s most eligible bachelors and he’s doing everything in his powers to change that status.
He took to social media last night to give useful tips to ladies willing to slide into his DM, saying they must come with something tangible – in other words, you must have quite a lot to offer, not just your beauty and goodies..
Don Jazzy also gave notice of his readiness to start sliding into the Ladies DMs to catch his attention.
According to the Nigerian Celebrity Most Eligible Bachelor who said he’s now ready to slide into DMs too, when one slides into his DM, he/she should come with something tangible.
Here are his posts;

Wizkid Has Been Honored With A Chieftaincy Title In Uganda

Wizkid Has Been Honored With A Chieftaincy Title In Uganda

Just after he was given a heroic welcome ahead of his show in Uganda, Nigerian superstar singer Wizkid was also honored with a chieftaincy title in the country.
It was gathered that he was given the chieftaincy title after he visited Buganda Kingdom Shrine, ahead of his long awaited concert at Lugogo Cricket Oval in Kampala last night.
Here is the photo:

Thursday 7 December 2017

Bolanle Ninalowo Confirms Divorce From His Wife Of 12 Years

Bolanle Ninalowo Confirms Divorce From His Wife Of 12 Years

Nollywood actor Bolanle Ninalowo and his wife of 12 years and mother of his two children, Aliyah and Morakinyo are divorced.

He confirmed this in an interview with Genevieve Magazine.
In his words:
“I am separated from the mother of my kids. I have an 11 year old girl and a nine year old boy from her and they live in Atlanta.
We met here in Nigeria, when I visited 12 years ago. I took her, with me, to the States and filed for her (married her on paper) with the hope to someday get married officially, but things took the wrong turn. So, for now I am married to my hustle.”

Lanre Gentry Bares His Opinion On What A ‘Bad Wife’ Does To A Man

Lanre Gentry Bares His Opinion On What A ‘Bad Wife’ Does To A Man

Mercy Aigbe’s estranged husband, Lanre Gentry chose a ‘bad wife’ as what kills a man faster.
He revealed this on the comment section of the question from popular Yoruba actor, Afeez Owo, which is “Which one kills a man faster…poverty or Bad wife?”. There were several opinions on this Instagram page
On what kills faster, he stated that “Bad wife”.
Recall that Nollywood actress, Mercy Aigbe, and her estranged husband, Lanre Gentry some months back had a nasty battle on Instagram after Mercy released a video of her battered face and accused Lanre of domestic violence which he denied on several occasions.
Here’s the photo:

Maleek Berry Has This To Say About Davido And Wizkid Feud

Maleek Berry Has This To Say About Davido And Wizkid Feud

Singer Maleek Berry in this interview with Bella Naija discussed the alleged rift between his close friends Wizkid & Davido, his relationship and keeping up with his female fans.
Read excerpts of the interview below…
On the recent spat between Wizkid & Davido:
I don’t really like to comment on that. Everyone that knows me, knows that I’m all for the notion of “there’s enough room for all of us”.
On keeping up with female fans:
I just try and show them love as much as possible no matter where I go. When we was on tour in the US , we had a view instances where fans tried to pretend to be Press/Media so they could sneak into our entourage backstage.
On his current relationship status:
I’m single. I feel like it’s very important to be focused at this stage in my career, but you know what they say about love/romance, you never see it coming so at the same time I’m open to it.

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